Green Laser Level Comparison

Green Laser Level Comparison

Comparing Milwaukee, Dewalt, Bosch, Cpi, and Prexiso green laser levels to see what works best in certain areas. The Results were fascinating! part numbers: …

#Green #Laser #Level #Comparison

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Comparing Milwaukee, Dewalt, Bosch, Cpi, and Prexiso green laser levels to see what works best in certain areas. The Results were fascinating! part numbers: …

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12 responses to “Green Laser Level Comparison”

  1. Michael Khalil Avatar

    Mate you didn't show any features etc!? Which comes with a pendulum lock for working with angles and stairs? Im looking to get one this week .

  2. matt Avatar

    You need a camera which can compensate for light flicker

  3. Shaheed Rawat Avatar

    Nice work ?. Wish you had the Hilti as well. How would rate the following 3 (360) plane lasers? – M12, Hilti and Bosch Green ?

  4. Shane Porter Avatar

    The milwaukee is massive, the same as their price .

  5. Tim Sheerman Avatar

    With the 2 plane, $190 Cpi being compared to $650 MIlwaukee ??

  6. Sert Mangala Avatar

    Bosch has fine adjustment and Bluetooth remote. You just have to buy the add on rm3

  7. kadi groves Avatar

    Milwaukee or dewalt that is the question. Thanks for any informative video.

  8. Andrew Avatar

    Did you turn the brightness up to max on the Bosch lasers via the app ? Once the lasers are turned off and on it reset back to medium brightness and have go back into the app to turn brightness up

  9. NotYourAverageHuman Avatar

    Boys at work have the CPI 2 plane but I'm going to go with 3P Milwaukee since that's the batteries I have. I was looking at a dewalt before Milwaukee announced their laser

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